A funny thing happened in the middle of writing my next novel. Suddenly, another book started writing itself in my head and now I’m working on two different novels simultaneously. Even more surprising, this new novel is a murder mystery: Murder at the Music Festival. I never planned to write a murder mystery, but one morning late last month I woke up with the plot in my head and the words started tumbling out. Like my previous novels, Murder at the Music Festival is set in Texas and features several real Texas musicians. Unlike my Heart of Texas series, this novel is almost completely fiction. Only Hondo and the musicians are real. Since this book is coming together almost on its own, it looks like Murder at the Music Festival will be out next - possibly next month - before the book it has interrupted. I can already see the cover in my mind, but I need help to make it real. I need a photo of a smashed guitar for the cover but I’m certainly not about to smash one myself. So I’m sending out a request. If you have a photo of a smashed guitar or know someone who does, I’d like to see it. If I can use it you’ll get full credit for the photo, if desired. It’s important to me that no actual musical instruments are ever mistreated in any way for this or any other books. Thanks!
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