Wow! Where has March gone? Is it really almost Easter?! Truth be told, I’ve been out and about rather than writing as much as I’d like. Springtime in the Heart of Texas is absolutely glorious again this year. I’ve been driving around a lot, looking at wildflowers - which are everywhere. (Go to my Facebook page for photos and links to the best wildflower sightings.) I was also been able to enjoy even more wonderful music than usual last week. Fletcher Clark, one of the real people in my Heart of Texas trilogy, hosts Evenings with Songwriters the last Tuesday night of every month (except December) in Lockhart’s beautiful, historic Eugene Clark Library and one of my favorite singer/songwriters, Shelley King, was the star last week (photo above). I am so excited that Shelley will be in my next novel (working title: Crash!) and this was one of the best Evenings, ever! Two days later, I was blessed to be at Ruthie Foster’s Studio 1A concert for KUTX. Friday night, I got together with many of the real people in the trilogy for more live music at the Kerrville Folk Festival Volunteer benefit, and Sunday afternoon I helped another favorite person celebrated her birthday at Giddy Ups, a classic Texas honkytonk, with more great live music. This week was devoted to wildflower drives and catching up. Now it’s almost Easter, followed by Old Settlers’ Music Festival and more fun, and then it will be time to get ready for the Kerrville Folk Festival.Yes, the fun never stops here in the Heart of Texas! Happy Easter, y’all!
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Springtime with Shelley King in the Heart of Texas